Summer Camp Log - 2012


Scout Summer Camp in 2012 was at Braggers Wood Camping & Activity Centre, Bransgore, Christchurch in Dorset:


Wednesday 11th July - 7.45pm

Parents were invited to our Summer Camp Parent’s evening which gave them an opportunity to meet the Leaders, ask any questions and have a brief look at the exciting activities we have planned.
We also gave out some important forms and all the final arrangements for camp during the meeting.


Friday 20th July

The lorry was loaded at the Scout HQ on Friday night in record time. Even the jet stream is moving north so the weather is looking set to improve. Ready to go!



Saturday 21st July

"Day 1 - We started the day at the scout hut. We then got the minibuses to the campsite where we had lunch. After lunch we got in our patrols and put up our tents. This lasted most of the day and then we went on a tour of the site afterwards. Then we played a wide game and went to bed, sort of!"

by James & Daniel & Paul

Camp is well established. The patrol tents are up with just a few leaders ones to go up. Everyone enjoyed their roast pork and cherry crumble dinner. We have a beautiful site and the sun is shining!

Dick Bowyer


Sunday 22nd July

"We had a go on the zip wire and the crate stacking in which someone is on a harness and you have to stack a tower out of crates."

by Dylan

"The scouts spent the morning working on their patrol sites - erecting flag poles, making gates etc. After lunch everyone enjoyed the crate stacking and zip wire. The weather remains fantastic. The scouts are looking forward to cooking in their patrols tomorrow, starting with breakfast."

Dick Bowyer


Monday 23rd July

"Today we cooked our own breakfast, after we had eaten breakfast we got ready to go to the beach. The beach was brilliant! In the afternoon we learnt how to use the saw safely."

by William JP


Tuesday 24th July

"Today we went to Monkey World! The monkeys were happy and friendly. When we got back we had a feast of ham, chips and salad."

by Max



Wednesday 25th July

"We went to LV Streetwise in Bournemouth. They had a real size village in a warehouse and we learnt about safety.
Our patrol won the orange teapot award for getting the most points today, even though our PL, Max, won the scarf of shame for pouring water on our cooking fire and putting it out."

by Tommy


Thursday 26th July

"Today we went to the tuck shop! Dylan was thrown out for buying too many sweets. But the best thing about today was doing the hike as the activity at the end was fun - we had to shave balloons."

by Crawford


Friday 27th July

"My favourite part of camp so far is...

  • ... being told I was a PL for a day" - Jamie
  • ... going to the beach" - Kate
  • ... the water Olympics" - Josh
  • ... the water Olympics, cooking corned beef hash and going to the tuck shop, and I'm looking forward to the night hike!" - Daniel
  • ... going to the beach" - Will
  • ... going to Monkey World" - Jack
  • ... going to the beach" - Crawford
  • ... the water Olympics, everyone got soaked!" - Dylan
  • ... the water Olympics, and cooking our own food!" - Duncan
  • ... the water Olympics and Monkey World" - Tommy
  • ... Monkey World" - Simon
  • ... Monkey World" - Joe
  • ... Monkey World" - Max
  • ... Water Olympics, I got very wet" - William
  • ... Water Olympics" - George

So the top activity so far, with the most Scout votes, is the water Olympics, closely followed by their visit to Monkey World on Tuesday!


In the evening, after supper, a medal ceremony was held following the track and field events that afternoon.





Saturday 28th July

Spent the day making camp ovens out of cardboard boxes and tinfoil. Vaguely warmed up apple crumbles in them!



After dinner (fishcakes, mash and beans cooked in the patrols) it was time to get ready for the night hike!


Everyone went on the hike. James, Max, Guy and Daniel continued walking through the night until sunrise. The sky was clear with a great view of the stars, Venus and Jupiter.






Sunday 29th July

A lie in this morning for all the scouts and the hiking leaders. Those who were up saw the red arrows fly past in formation!

Then it was time to be off and do some kayaking at Hengistbury Head...



We made our own burgers for tea - cookery lesson from Dave! Then after dinner the patrols took it in turns to entertain everyone with some sketches and songs they had practised the day before.



Monday 30th July

After breakfast the Scouts had a kit inspection and then they had to "strike" their patrol sites. Then it was off to the swimming pool just as soon as lunch had been washed up by the duty patrol.


Tuesday 31st July

Summer Camp ends for another year. The troop returns to HQ to unload the lorry and to discover which patrol won!


A big thank you to all the leaders for another fantastic camp.


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