Joining Us


Thank you for your interest in how to become a member of the 19th Wimbledon Scout Group. Scouting in our area is very popular, and several of our sections are currently running at maximum capacity, which unfortunately means we can’t always offer a space to potential members as soon as we would like.


We operate within the equal opportunities policy of the Scout Association and are open to all young people, aged between 6 to 14 years, subject to spaces being available, and the Section having sufficient adults to run. The safety and wellbeing of all young people is paramount. If a member or potential member has special needs then their membership will be dependent on us being able to provide them the support which they and others need in order to enjoy Scouting fully and safely.


Also, we recognise the different circumstances of ‘looked after’ children and try to accommodate where possible. 


We do prioritise and plan for existing members moving between sections – Beavers to Cubs, Cubs to Scouts. Wherever possible we also try to accommodate younger brothers and sisters of existing members so families can enjoy Scouting with the same Group.


For potential new members currently at Scout age, bear in mind that the Explorer unit operate independently and may be able to offer a place in the near future. We would suggest contacting the Explorer unit directly to discuss joining them.


If you are unable to find a place with our Group then you may also consider submitting your name to the national website (, or contacting other local groups in the District (


Scouting is a regular commitment that young people make when they join, please see our Attendance Expectations Policy.


Please also have a look at our FAQ webpage which answers some common questions that parents ask, and has a link to our new parent booklet. 




To enquire about places in each section, please use the contacts in the table below:



Section Meeting Day Meeting Time Contact
Mayhew Beavers Thursday 5.30 to 6.30 pm


All sections have waiting lists. Please send enquiries to 

  (Please do not contact individual section leaders as they do not deal with membership enquiries.)


Oakwood Beavers Monday 6.15 to 7.15 pm
Mayhew Cubs Thursday 6.30 to 8.00 pm
Oakwood Cubs Tuesday 6.30 to 8.00 pm
Scouts Wednesday 7.30 to 9.00 pm This section is full and the waiting list is closed currently.
Explorers Thursday 7.30 to 9.15 pm Enquiries to:


Please note that all sections meet at our HQ site in Cottenham Park Road.

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Registered Charity No: 303793
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